Reunion Committee

Committee Members


Reunion Committee Chairman                                     Bob McElwain

Reunion Committee Co-Chairman                               Al Loving

Advertising Committee Chairman                                 Vacant

Entertainment Committee Chairman                             Bob McElwain

Picnic Committee Chairman                                          Larry Cuffee

Picnic Committee                                                           Vacant

Picnic Committee                                                           Vacant

Golf Tournament Committee Chairman                        Dave Chitwood

Golf Tournament Committee                                         Al Loving

Transportation Committee                                             John Patti

Photographer                                                                 Frank O’Loughlin

Welcome Committee Chairperson                                Joan Sheppard

Welcome Committee                                                     Vacant


Hospitality Room Committee Members

Diane Anderson              Kathy McQuitty          Joan Shepherd          Barbara Sparman          Reginald Shepherd



  1. Simmons Ennis

    Our LS shop formerly at Wurtsmith AFB, MI are trying to get organized and wish to reunite after so many years. It is difficult to organize an event when everyone has splinted to all parts of the world. I have suggested to piggy back on your organization and have a ALS reunion when and where yours is being held.
    Could you provide any information on your next reunion.
    Thank you.

    • Andrew Graves

      Please go to the Reunion tag on this web site, for info on this years reunion.
      Thanks Andy Graves

  2. Richard L. Douglas

    Happend on this site by accident while doing research on Chief Cuffee. He was my NCOIC at Offutt. Also knew Dave Chitwood from Kunsan. Small world.

    • Larry Cuffee

      Doug, how are you…you are from Arkansas I believe. Call me at 254-265-5523. Email: [email protected].

    • MSG Kevin Snyder

      Doug how the hell are ya brother? This is Snyder, drop me a line when you can so we can catch up on things.


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